Troubleshooting of industrial dust collector

When the dust collector does not work well, the following are some diagnostic tips that you can carry out by yourself. Follow the simple steps below to find the source of the problem.

The first thing to look at is the amperage of the fan motor. Ampere is equivalent to the heart of the system.

If the amperage is normal, but the air intake efficiency of the workstation is insufficient, the airflow may come from other places. Therefore, please check for wear, such as leaks, cracks, or holes. In this case, the air will enter the dust collector in the simplest way. Therefore, it is no longer placed in the correct position.

The reason may also be due to the addition of a capture line, the removal of the plug on the air inlet, or the accidental opening of the damper. During routine inspections, maintenance openings (such as the maintenance opening at the bottom of the hopper) may also remain open.

In those cases, the airflow at the capture point will be diluted. If you find the source of the problem, such as an open door, close it.

Otherwise, the system must be rebalanced. Naturally, our experts can help you.

If the holding number is normal, but the airflow is not diluted, the motor may be faulty. It may be bearing friction or electrical problems. In this case, the thrust of the motor is greater, but the amperage remains the same because the performance of the fan is affected by the reduction in air volume. As a result, the source air intake will be reduced.

Check the temperature of the motor, if it is abnormal, please contact an expert to evaluate the situation.

If the amperage is high, it means that there is too much air passing through the fan. The amperage is proportional to the airflow through the fan.

Contrary to popular belief, when the system is blocked, the pressure does not increase. vice versa. In this case, the resistance drops. Then, the fan spins in the gap, like stepping on a bicycle without a chain.

On the contrary, an engine that is too hard sucks in most of the air. It's like stepping into the wind. The more wind, the greater the driving force. Therefore, the amperage will increase.

Three things to assess whether the current intensity is high.

Have you changed the filter recently? The new filter is very clean, so there is less resistance. More air flows into the system, thereby increasing the amperage at the same time. In this case, when the dust cake accumulates on the filter, the air volume will return to normal. If necessary, temporarily reduce the opening of the air door of the fan exhaust to create a limit and return to normal speed.

Have you not replaced the filter? Look for visible dust particles at the exhaust port of the dust collector. If it is, it is because your dust collector can no longer filter the air. The filter may have holes or cracks, or the bag cage may have fallen off. This damage will allow more air to pass through. Thereby increasing the amperage.

In this case, please replace the damaged filter. However, make sure to use the correct strategy, because if only a few filters are replaced and the others are worn out, the new filter may be damaged prematurely. Also, investigate why the filter is damaged.

If the filter has not been replaced recently and no dust particles are discharged, please look elsewhere. Is the hatch or access door of the dust collector open? Has the position of the exhaust valve changed? In that case, the resistance on the system decreases the flow rate increases and the amperage increases. Restore it to its normal position. Things that need to be closed must be kept closed!

If you have not found the source of the problem, it may be electrical or other reasons. Contact our experts immediately to evaluate the problem.



Contact: Jane

Phone: +86-136 0202 1569


Add: No.14 Building, Jingjin Shishang Plaza, Wuqing District, Tianjin, China